We would like to inform that Polish Television broadcasted a clip about Magdalena Stobinska’s work, authored by Mr. Waldemar Stankiewicz. The video is available online (in Polish): wiadomosci.tvp.pl
Magdalena Stobinska was interviewed by Radio Kraków
We would like to inform that Ms. Joanna Gąska, a journalist from Radio Kraków specializing in science, has recorded an interview with Magdalena Stobinska. You can listen to it online (in Polish): www.radiokrakow.pl
Our research was covered by Science in Poland portal
We are delighted to inform that the Science in Poland portal published a summary of our quantum steering scenario published in the Physical Review Letters journal. Link (in Polish): http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/
Please feel invited to read!
We start the FNP First Team Project
Today we are commencing our new research project founded by the Foundation for Polish Science, entitled Integrated optics in time-frequency domain: a new versatile platform for quantum technologies. Please find yourself invited to follow us on our webpage www.stobinska-group.eu as well as our Twitter account https://twitter.com/StobinskaQCAT.
We are caring about the Pallas cat (Manul) in the Warsaw ZOO
We would like to inform that we started caring about the Pallas cat (Manul) in Warsaw ZOO. We named him… Erwin!