We are excited to invite you to the upcoming QURIE 24 Conference which will be focused on quantum computing, communication, and innovation. This conference will be held under the ITN-EU collaboration and we hope it will be an enlightening experience for all participants.
Paper on Quantum Machine Learning
Our manuscript “Rapid training of quantum recurrent neural networks” in collaboration with Bertrandt Le Saux from ESA Eeath Observation Center (ESRIN) was accepted for publication in Quantum Machine Intelligence. https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.00378
Monika Mycroft defended her PhD thesis
Today, Monika Mycroft, stipendee in the Foundation for Polish Science “First Team” project, defended her PhD thesis on “Protocols for selected quantum technologies based on feasible multi-photon bipartite entanglement”. Congratulations!
We got a QuantERA grant
Our team at will participate in the QuantERA “PhoMemtor” project consortium led by Prof. Philip Walther from the University of Vienna. The other collaborator will be Dr. Roberto Osellame from the Politecnico di Milano. We are much looking forward to this collaboration!
A list of winning consortia: https://www.quantera.eu/137-results-of-the-quantera-call-2021
Camilo López has received NCN Sonatina grant
It is our pleasure to inform that Dr. Camilo López, who is a member of the QCAT group, has just received a prestigious National Science Center “Sonatina” grant, which will be realized at the University of Warsaw. The project entitled “CARAMEL: CaptuRing polARitonic quantuM corrELations”, got second place among 20 in the ranking of exact and technical sciences. Congratulations!